In Baptism, God grabs hold of us and promises to never let go. We believe that baptism with water in the name of the Triune God unites the one baptized with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, initiates into the one holy, catholic and apostolic church, and confers the gracious gift of new life.
At Good Shepherd, we invite all to join our meal at the Lord's table. We believe that the Body and Blood of Christ are truly present, distributed, and received under the forms of bread and wine in the Lord's Supper. We also believe that the grace of divine forgiveness offered in the sacrament is received with the thankful offering of ourselves for God's service.
Consider joining this ministry if you are a crafter!
Every year, we send over 300 quilts to the Lutheran World Relief and help warm those in need! When one experiences illness, loss of a child or other personal crisis, a physical, touchable expression of care and concern can be very important. Our quilters create that expression of care through their quilts that provide comfort and encouragement to those who may be hurting.
At Good Shepherd, we invite all to practice a variety of musical offerings and expressions to worship through a growing number of vocal and instrumental groups. We believe that group music-making can nurture and inspire us through engaging musical experience, meaningful participation in worship, and opportunity for friendship and community building. Contact for more information. Our Fall Schedule is as follows:
Our ukulele group meets on Mondays at 5:30-6:30 pm.
As an extension to our ministry, our ukulele group meets outdoors on the RiverLife Trail in the summer months to bring the joy of making music together out in the community. Join us at 5:30pm by the River this summer and bring your instruments and voices!
Our string orchestra meets on Mondays at 6:30-7:30 pm.
Our handbell ensemble meets on Wednesdays at 6:00-7:00 pm.
Adult choir meets on Wednesdays at 7:00-8:00 pm.
We regularly schedule a "pick-up" choir in the summer months, at which time we will meet at 8:00am to sing for 9:00am worship. Contact Kartika ( for our summer schedule.
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